White Membrane Roofing in Manhasset
If you own or operate a commercial building in the Manhasset area, how often do you think about your roof? Unless it’s leaking or on the verge of collapsing, you probably don’t think about it too much. However, you ought to give it more consideration. Particularly making the switch to a white membrane roofing system.
Since the early-1990s, white membrane roofing has become an increasingly popular option for commercial buildings. Their rise in popularity can be attributed to their eco-friendly and energy-saving attributes that make managing a commercial building easier.
When sunlight beams down on a white membrane roof, it gets reflected back into the atmosphere. This is much better than what happens to a black roof. Black materials absorb all of the light that hits it, turning it into heat. Just think about the last time you wore black to the beach. It was much hotter than the times you wore white, wasn’t it? Black roofs absorb heat just like any other kind of black material. And because black roofs absorb the sunlight and turn it into heat rather than reflecting it back into the atmosphere, the excess heat drives up the amount of cooling you need to make your building livable.
To take advantage of energy savings, contact All Site Builders LLC today about converting your conventional black asphalt roof to a thermoplastic white composite covering. Thanks to our vast experience in the industry, white membrane roofs are easy to install on any surface, virtually leak proof and long-lasting.
By choosing All Site Builders LLC to install a white membrane roof on your Manhasset roof, your roof will soon be able to reflect up to 90 percent of the sun’s rays, ridding yourself of the added strain of making your air conditioner compete against solar heat for a more sustainable building. When you call us today, we’ll be happy to provide you with a free quote on our installation services. We can also repair any imperfections or provide regular maintenance to make sure you are getting the most out of your new white membrane roof.
Making the Switch to White Membrane Roofing
When you make the switch to white membrane roofing, it won’t just save you from spending so much on energy every month, it is one of the least invasive roofing materials to install so you won’t be forced to close up shop because of construction disruptions.
When All Site Builders LLC is tasked with installing a white membrane roof to a local commercial building, we will make sure that the surface is clean and dry. We’ll remove any debris or sharp sedges and make sure that the decking is tightly fastened.
Once that’s done, it’s as simple as applying the necessary adhesives and rolling out the membrane. Of course, it is more complex than that if you haven’t had a ton of professional experience adding white membrane roofing, but luckily All Site Builders LLC’s fully licensed and insured team can handle it with ease.
To make the switch to a white membrane roof, just give us a call today and we’ll provide you with the most accurate free estimates in the area.